珠海欣中祺电子科技有限公司是由珠海中祺电子有限公司、香港卓达电子、新加坡PAC公司在珠海新青科技工业园合资兴办的快速专业生产中小批量电路板的厂商。公司于2005年开始筹建,一期厂房占地面积4000平方米,2006年6月中旬正式投入生产,公司技术成熟,设备齐全;现设计月产高精密度电路板10000平方米,性能均达到IPC标准。本公司产品销售网络遍布亚洲、欧洲以及东南亚等全球多个地区。 公司于2006年陆续顺利通过ISO9001质量体系认证;UL认证;COC认证。各项指标均达到ROHS标准. 质量方针:满足客户需求为目的、精心制作、完善服务、持续改进. 质量目标:客户满意度99%以上;产品合格率98%以上;准时交货率99%以上. 质量标准:IPC-A-600E-Ⅱ. 质量体系:ISO9001. Zhuhai Seiki PCB Co.,Ltd is one of the medium-sized and rapidy growing manufacturers of Printed Ciruit(PCB),jointly invested by Zhuhai Seiki PCB Group,M&Y Elrctronics(HongKong)Coampany Limited and PAC Component Pte Ltd from Singapore.Located in Zhuhai XinQing Technology Industrial Area, the company was established in 2005 and started the official production in mid june 2006.the workshop from the first phase investment comes to the total size of 4000 square meters.Now the compant is equipped with mature technology and advanced technology.The monthly capacity now is 10000 square meters of high accuracy PCB,with the quality conforming to the international IPC standard.In 2006 the company successfully got the certificates of ISO9001,UL and CQC and the products completely meet the ROHS standards.Now we are working with customers from Asia,America,Africa,Europe and South-East Asia. Quality principle :customer ‘s requirement and needs are our mission.we act as value-added partner to help customer to achieve quality design and service.